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- DOS & DON'TS -- PART 13
- =======================
- To OPEN a sequential file, you use
- the BASIC OPEN statement. The Logical
- File number can be anything from 1 to
- 127, the Device Number (or First Ad-
- dress) must be the unit number of the
- disk drive you are using (ranges from
- 8 to 11, usually 8). The Channel #,
- or Secondary Address can be anything
- from 2 to 14. (Remember, 15 is the
- CEC, and 0 and 1 are set up for LOADs
- and SAVEs, respectively.) The file
- name can be a string of up to 16 of
- almost any characters, except for
- Return, comma, colon, asterisk or the
- question mark. The file name also
- cannot begin with a number sign or a
- dollar sign, although these characters
- can be used within the file name.
- If you are OPENing an existing file
- to be read from, that is all you need.
- If you are creating a new file and you
- want to write to it, first be sure to
- SCRATCH it, then OPEN it with a ',S,W'
- attached to the name. This signifies
- a SEQuential file OPENed for WRITE. If
- you are OPENing an existing file to
- add data to the end of it, use the un-
- documented (at least in the current
- 1541 manual) ',A' option. This signi-
- fies an OPEN for APPEND. You need to
- specify the file type only when creat-
- ing the file. The mode must be speci-
- fied if it is not READ (',R').
- In an actual program, you should
- OPEN the CEC before OPENing any seq-
- uential files, and keep it OPEN until
- the last file has been CLOSED. This
- enables the program to detect and act
- upon the nature of various disk errors
- that may occur, and to send mainten-
- ance commands (such as the SCRATCH be-
- fore creating a file) to the drive.
- ======= Continued in Part 14 =========